#8 Building Details

After my previous entries on water, heating and power, I think it's time to go back to the house and reflect on some of the details involved in the building process. I already discussed the foundation and some of the design decisions, but in this entry I want to go over things like insulation, roof design, and other aspects that are crucial for this project. At the end, I also briefly discuss some updates to the power system. The Roof The roof construction is more involved than one might think. For one, the eaves have to be far enough out from the wall to help protect the wall from water. But there is much more: it needs to hold the insulation, it needs the ability to dry out in case of moisture, it needs to support the snow load, and of course it has to be waterproof. For these reasons, a typical roof construction over here looks, with possibly a few other material choices, like this: Let me go over these details and explain why I made these material choices compared to others. G...