#7 Water

This entry took me longer to write than I hoped. Spring and summer here means there is a lot of work in a short time, and that leads to other things being placed on the back-burner. Writing was one of them... Water: everyone takes it for granted. It is a key resource to have access to when going off-grid. In many ways, it's more important than electricity. I know that there are several methods to become independent of the public water works, but only a few of those make real practical sense in a northern climate. In addition, water doesn't just entail the clear stuff for drinking, washing and cooking: wastewater is equally important to deal with correctly so that it doesn't negatively impact your little piece of heaven in the long run. Sources of water One of the popular ways to become independent of the public water supply is rain catchment. A lot of popular off-grid YouTubers use this method, think of Life Uncontained , Green Dream Project , and others. The problems with...